Monday, August 22, 2011

Chip Clip Alternative

I hate twist ties although I do use them. I hate chip clips too. They always seem to break or the don't have a tight grip. They can be pricey too id you buy the good ones. I always seem to need a lot of them and never have enough. A few years ago CVS was running there yearly sales on school supplies. They has a box of these office type clips (don't know what they are actually called) If I remember correctly they were on sale for .99 with .99 Extra Care Bucks back. That made them FREE! I put them away with the rest of the extra school and office supplies I had bought that year and forgot about them. One day I was looking for a chip clip and didn't have one free. A few days later I came across the office clips and thought "hey, I could use these as chip clips." So I did and I found they worked a lot better. I had others around the house and in different sizes that we didn't really use for anything else. I gathered them up and put them in the kitchen drawer where I keep my foil, baggies, saran wrap etc. I have been using them ever since.

They hold a tight grip on whatever I put them on. They are small so they easily fit on the bag inside a cereal box or box of crackers etc. I use them in place of twist ties for rice or any other item that comes in a bag only that you may not use all of at once. They will last a long time and outlast a real chip clip. They are also a lot cheaper!

I also save the clips that you sometimes get when you buy a balloon. They work well too!


  1. That is a good idea! I like to use clothes line pens for chips and other bags but those paper clip thingys probably do work alot better.

  2. My mom has used those for a long time as chip clips and I use clothes pins like Mbishop :) BUT i hang laundry out too so sometimes i have to go through the house looking for my cloth pins :)
