Monday, August 8, 2011

Fruit Flies Be Gone!

I Learned a trick to get rid of fruit flies in your kitchen should you ever have them. I didn't believe it would even work but I figured it was simple enough to be worth a try. We get them from time to time and they are such pesky little bastards and hard to kill. I was amazed that it actually worked really well!

I use a dixie bathroom cup but anything will do. Pour a shot of apple cider vinegar in it and add a few drops of dish soap. The Flies are attracted to the vinegar and once they touch the liquid they DIE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sunday I went into my daughter's room and there were like 500 fruit flies. I asked, "Kyra what the heck do you have in here?" She thought a second and said, "Mommy I have to show you something." She picked up her little green trash can where she there were 500 more fruit flies and an apple. We have a no food or drink in bedroom rule and she knew she did something wrong. So I put the vinigar w/ dish soap in her room and today there are like 990 dead fruit flies. YAY
